Independet Index TUDOR-ART

Third printed edition - 2017

29,029 art works (detailed information about sales between 2005-2016)
2,643 romanian and foreign artists
1,039 signatures
instructions of how to use - top lists - bibliographies - alphabetical index

(see details)

Second printed edition - 2013

20,142 art works (detailed information about sales between 1995-2012)
2,049 romanian and foreign artists
800 signatures
instructions of how to use - top lists - bibliographies - alphabetical index

(see details)

First printed edition - 2012

Index independent TUDOR-ART

16,646 art works (detailed information about sales between 1995-2011)
1,848 romanian and foreign artists
731 signatures
instructions of how to use - top lists – bibliographies

(see details) 

Select curency: EURUSDRON
 editionpageslanguagepricetransportation (PrioriPost)
Indexul independent TUDOR-ART2012427romanian25 USD15 USD
TUDOR-ART Independent Index2013568English35 USD15 USD
Indexul independent TUDOR-ART2017608romanian50 USD15 USD

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